Keepin' Up With the Tidwells

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Happy 238th, USMC!

Yep, it's that time of year again.....ball time!  It's so funny that each year as the Marine Corps Ball rolls around, I dread the whole getting ready process and planning out what to wear.  Funny should I say that because I generally just repeat a blast from the past dress, so that would make for no planning involved.  It rarely matters considering we move locations every 3 or so years, so the only ones having seen the dress are facebook friends and I'm sure they have more to do than keep up with what dress I wore to the last ball.  Having said all that, Fletcher and I enjoyed our night out.  It's always fun to celebrate the United States Marine Corps and we're especially proud of our very own. 

One might think that was actually the most eventful part of the night (the celebrating part), however, that's not how things go down in our house.  When got back home from our evening out, our sweet, sweet sitter (on a side note, maybe too sweet for our boys because I'm always worried one might shock her with something that comes out of their mouths), informed us that Beau hadn't eaten anything for dinner.  I was a little surprised since he generally doesn't refuse pizza, but thought maybe he had gotten into snacks beforehand.  After she left, I went into check on him and realized he had forgotten to put on his pull-up before bed.  Major party foul.  We have a house of deep sleepers.  I have literally slept through a hailstorm that broke out a window in my room, so I proudly can claim, I have passed that genetically superior quality onto my precious offspring.  Needless to say, he had wet his bed.  At this point I decided Cinderella had already turned into a pumpkin, the heels were off, but I wasn't about to go to changing beds at 11:00 pm.  I took him to my bed and called it a night......

All is well until about 4:30 am when Beau starts the pre-gagging which is always followed by you know what.  What is noteworthy here (and I must say pretty impressive) was our immediate "spring into action" response.  I jump at least a foot straight up in the air pitching Beau to Fletcher while simultaneously yanking our Ralph Lauren comforter to the other side all in an effort to escape a trip to the dry cleaners the next day.  I don't know if this is a positive, but if I'm being honest, that's the first thing that ran through my mind head.  Not my poor child about to puke, but that darn comforter and the arm and a leg I just paid a month ago to have it cleaned.  Even more so, when we layed back down, I thought to myself "catlike reflexes....I've still got it..."not a drop on that paisley comforter.  Can I just mentioned that no one was harmed in any of these events. :)   

Disregard that my boys are covered in peanut butter and dirt.  I would pretend that it's not the norm, but then again, that would only be pretending. :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Annual Pumpkin Carving

I say "annual" for two reasons:  1) we do actually carve pumpkins every year.....just not in the same location, and 2)  the party we attended is, in fact, an annual pumpkin carving event.  Hopefully, we'll get to attend next year in spite of Beau's attempt to push Maci off the ladder.  Such sweet friends and fun activities. The kids loved having Fletcher help them.  Who am I kidding?  I carved one of those too!:)  This weekend, full of my favorite autumn activities is high ranking on my list of fun things to do. 

The Pumpkin Patch 2013

Finally!  That's all I can say.....finally after 3 years we get to go to the pumpkin patch.  I'm not sure why this excites me, but it has since Bennett was a little one.  I'm not sure when this became the craze, but it certainly wasn't in Bonham, Texas.  I'm making up for lost time.  I love taking the kids to the pumpkin patch every fall and this year didn't disappoint.  We were joined by our sweet friends, The Millers and The Thompsons which only added to the fun.  What a dream world for kids with all the fun activities!  The boys road horses, ziplined, played in the corn box, and went on a hayride.  Not sure how we could top that morning....until we went to the birthday party above all others (that's not a blog appropriate story, but ask me in person).  Needless to say, I snapped pics and wanted to share.